Substation 5.3 e Bay of Pindaí
CONTRACTOR: Renova Energia S.A
OWNER: Renova Energia S.A
2018 – Caetité, Bahia
Supply of materials, civil execution, electromechanical and electrical assembly, in addition to commissioning for Substation 5.3 and Bay de Pindai installations. Installation of input modules with maneuvering and busbar infrastructure at 34.5kV for interconnection of Collecting Networks to transformers; Installation of 1 34.5-230kV elevation module for 34.5-230kV transformers and connections with maneuvers of transformation modules with 230kV outputs; Installation of 2 (two) maneuver modules for line outputs.
Connection installation of 230 KV line inputs, in addition to main and transfer busbars and interconnections for line arrivals.